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4326 works

No title (woman seated wearing dark costume with spots) UNKNOWN No title (woman seated holding child on knee) UNKNOWN No title(woman seated in tartan costume,leaning arm on table with hands crossed) UNKNOWN No title (young girl wearing tartan costume standing beside carved arm of couch) UNKNOWN No title (woman in dark costume leaning on carved wooden arm of couch) UNKNOWN No title (woman in dark costume, standing beside rocks holding hat) UNKNOWN No title (young girl in tartan dress with hand resting on small table) UNKNOWN No title (elderly woman with white hair wearing cameo at neckline) UNKNOWN Auntie Anne (Mrs William Green - owners of the album) UNKNOWN No title (young fair haired man wearing dark suit with bound lapels) UNKNOWN No title (Homestead with iron lace verandah posts) UNKNOWN No title (Steam engine with crew) UNKNOWN No title (Wooden house among trees) UNKNOWN No title (Carriage and pain with coachman outside stables) UNKNOWN Charles Batten and Ada Hall, cabinet print UNKNOWN No title (Workers and stable building) UNKNOWN Sunbury railway station UNKNOWN No title (Family outside weatherboard house with slate roof) UNKNOWN No title (Family outside weatherboard house with slate roof) UNKNOWN No title (Family and cane pram outside weatherboard house) UNKNOWN No title (Railway bridge in Woodend area) UNKNOWN No title (Group of workmen) UNKNOWN Crescent Earth, one-third illuminated (No.22) UNKNOWN Geelong baths and wharves UNKNOWN No title (Corio Villa, Geelong) UNKNOWN No title (Swagman) UNKNOWN Ann Eliza O'Mullane, in wedding dress UNKNOWN Mrs.William Garrard (Ann Eliza), in riding costume UNKNOWN Ann Eliza O'Mullane, in wedding dress UNKNOWN Ann Eliza O'Mullane UNKNOWN