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4326 works

Goats (A Man's Sketchbook I) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Titlepage: Diversa Animalia Quadrupedia UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Buster Brussel (?) UNKNOWN; Jacobus BISSCHOP (after) Landcape (Peasants mounted on asses) UNKNOWN; Nicolaes BERCHEM (after) Bacchus UNKNOWN; Jodocus de WINGE (after) Untitled UNKNOWN; Giovanni Benedetto CASTIGLIONE (after) Virgo dei genitrix .... UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after) Girl at well-side UNKNOWN; Martin Archer SHEE (after) Emperor Rudolphus II UNKNOWN; Ad de VRIS (after) La Tentation de St Antoine UNKNOWN; David TENIERS II (after) Untitled UNKNOWN; H. LIVERSEEGE (after) The Duke of York UNKNOWN; Joshua REYNOLDS (after) Evening UNKNOWN; Jan BOTH (after) Pigritia UNKNOWN; Adriaen BROUWER (after) Charles Seymour UNKNOWN; TITIAN (after) Jean Thierry UNKNOWN; Nicolas de LARGILLIERRE (after) Le Tems decouvre la Verite (Time discovering Truth ) UNKNOWN; Peter Paul RUBENS (after); Jean NATTIER (after) The Entombment UNKNOWN; Albrecht DÜRER (after) Christ before Pilate UNKNOWN; Hendrick GOLTZIUS (after) Christ on the cross UNKNOWN; Hendrick GOLTZIUS (after) Annunciation UNKNOWN; Federico ZUCCARO (after) The Lamb - Allegorical Studies UNKNOWN; Joseph Noel PATON (after) Tableau magique UNKNOWN; J.L. TOUZE (after) Portrait of a man with fur collar UNKNOWN; Hans HOLBEIN (after) Foreground study UNKNOWN; John RUSKIN (after) A Shipwreck scene UNKNOWN; A.G. VICKERS (after) Saturn UNKNOWN; STRADANUS (after) L' Interieur du Port de Marseille UNKNOWN; Carle VERNET (after) Pillage of a castle UNKNOWN; G. BUTTERMOLE (after) Untitled UNKNOWN; John BOSTOCK (after)