E. Phillips FOX<br/>
<em>Landing of Captain Cook at Botany Bay, 1770</em> 1902 <!-- (recto) --><br />

oil on canvas<br />
192.2 x 265.4 cm<br />
National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne<br />
Gilbee Bequest, 1902<br />
119-2<br />


Colony to Nation Online

Mon–Fri, 10am, 11.30am, 1pm & 2.30pm
Levels 3–10, VCE

What can art teach us about Australian history? Traverse Australia’s past from first contacts to Federation through encounters with works of art and design from the NGV Collection. This virtual program brings history to life through visual analysis, discussion and storytelling and explores a range of viewpoints on the events and ideas that helped shape our nation.

This program will be facilitate by an NGV Educator and will be adapted to the level of the group.

Students will:

  • Describe the impact of colonisation on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
  • Describe the historical and cultural events, practices and policies that led to Australia’s Federation.
  • Compare settler-colonial Australian and First Nations perspectives and how these are evident in works of art and design.

Duration: 1 hour
Cost: $180 connection fee

Booking Form 
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